Monday, August 11, 2014

the one about our {second year}

Two years! Today marks two years married and I can't believe it. 
We just got back from vacationing in sunny and perfect Florida. For the first time ever, I'm fairly tan and for the millionth time ever - Jesse is incredibly dark. While we were there, we celebrated our anniversary at the Breakers Resort in Palm Beach. I can sum up the Breakers in one word and three syllables: AH-MAZ-ING. We turned off our phones and enjoyed the finer things in life - beautiful pools, delicious food, a TV inside the mirror of the bathroom (yes that's a thing, yes it's frivolous, and yes I want one). We are sooo thankful for friends with hotel discounts -- we had a wonderful time! 

The Breakers at night. Stunning!

Our view from the pool looking out onto the Atlantic.
My favorite thing about Year 2 as Mrs. Ghoman? Really and truly becoming best friends with my husband. That may sound weird but I mean it. Before we got married, I thought we were best friends - but to be honest - I was still probably closer to my mom  and bridesmaids than my spouse. After all, I knew my mom and my sister my ENTIRE life and my bridesmaids for years longer than I knew J.  That's a lot to compete with! During the first year we experienced so many transitions in life and in our new roles as husband and wife that it wasn't until this year that I could truly appreciate the friend I have in Jesse. Our friendship is in the little things: he pretends to love HGTV and Once Upon a Time and I respect his shark/whale/everything-animal obsession; we've created our own language of weird accents that we only use around each other (embarrassing, but true); we laugh a LOT and we comfort each other when we're sad; we have traditions and favorite meals/places/restaurants/movies; we know what the other person is feeling with fewer and fewer context clues AND we know how to help them through it; we don't just love each other -- we thoroughly and completely like each other. 

As I've considered this idea of friendship in marriage, I've thought a lot about the "profound mystery" that Paul describes in Ephesians 5. Paul talks about a man and his wife leaving their own families and "becoming one flesh" in their new family. I think this idea of becoming one isn't just something that happens instantaneously. Becoming one is a lifetime pursuit and process! We became a unit on August 12, 2012 when we said our vows before a barn-full of witnesses - but through God's grace we have the capacity to become even more unified with each passing day and year. What an incredible gift:)

So, here's to our second anniversary! I can't wait to see what Year 3 will bring. Thank you for following my journey as an incredibly imperfect wife and a grammatically woeful writer!


1 comment:

  1. Loved ur graphic description of the friendship that should be marriage!! So happy you have experienced so much love and friendship in such a short time!
