On January 17th I turned 25 and it hit me: I'm halfway through my twenties. Wait, seriously? It feels like yesterday that I was kissing my teens good-bye and now here I am: finished with school, living far from my parents, working full-time, paying bills, and married. Hello, adulthood. But even though graphics like the one above freak me out (they give me that looming "your-youth-is over, the-wrinkles-are-coming, you-haven't-accomplished-enough" sort of feeling), I have to admit that I'm very excited to be 25. It feels right:)
Here are a couple of pictures from the big day - my husband, family, and friends made it extra special.
Jesse planned a birthday party at Lucky Strike with friends for a night of bowling, football-watching, and greasy-food eating. Perfection.
Oh - and did I mention the chocolate?
Cause there always needs to be birthday chocolate:)
Here's to another 25!