Monday, September 29, 2014

the one where i wore white {after Labor Day}

Let's talk about the beginning of fall, shall we? When I lived in Georgia, there was virtually zero difference between the last day of summer and the first day of fall. I tried my best to transition my wardrobe (and my attitude) - but it generally took until October for me to feel like I could genuninely welcome autumn. But here in New England, the difference is a little more stark. The air feels crisp in mid-September, you need a jacket for every degree of difference, and you feel societally obligated to start eating copious amounts of apple pie/crisp/cider/cider donuts/you-name-it-I-want-to-eat-it. We gradually start saying goodbye to outdoor cook-outs, the laid-back summer schedule, shorts and tank-tops, and last but (definitely) not least - the heat.

But one thing I'm not saying goodbye to this fall? White denim. {Somewhere, some traditional elderly lady just fainted from shock.} Allow me to free you from one of fashion's biggest faux pas - I, Alexandra Ghoman, hereby declare on the 29th of September, that it is indeed acceptable to wear white after Labor Day. I don't know if you already knew this - but wearing white in the fall has been fine (and even considered cool) for awhile now. There's something so clean and edgy about pairing fall's deeper tones with stark white. So, along with wishing summer farewell and welcoming all of fall's delightful traditions and foods - I dare you to welcome rule-breaking and faux-pas bending right along with me! Everything, including the old ladies, will be fine. I promise:)

Plaid shirt: Old Navy
Necklace: Target
Jeans: Gap
Booties: Baker's

Happy fall, everyone!

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