Friday, July 26, 2013

{the one with the evolving vacation}

Gone are the days of family vacations with lazy mornings, afternoons spent reading, and late-night movies. Instead, Laing family vacations now operate on a different time-table: toddler-time. Our schedule revolves around eight adorable munchkins and their nap times, play times, meal times, rest times, bath times, pool times, and of course...tackle-Uncle Jesse-times. As the only child (adult? original Laing?) in my family without a kid - you would think this could be a little overwhelming. And well, you would be right. It is overwhelming to be around sooo many children when you are used But, it is also the best kind of overwhelming. I love how my eight nieces and nephews have reshaped my family. They have turned 10 would-be boring adults into big kids who will do anything (and I mean anything) to make one of them laugh. They keep us on our toes with their questions and keep us laughing with their malapropisms. They remind us to find joy in the little things and to be totally and completely silly when at all possible. But I also love that they help us to savor the moments when it's just us. We didn't turn on a movie one time when they were sleeping (a family vacation first). Instead, we caught up on the many stories we missed while apart,  laughed at the same stories we'd all heard a thousand times, and just enjoyed being together. And by the time they woke up and things were out of control once more - I really didn't mind. 

I still love my memories of peace and quiet on vacation - but I wouldn't trade the noise and chaos of those crazy kids for anything. Quiet will just have to wait:) 

You might be wondering if I was the rebellious one who did the dress code backwards...I was. Rebel without a cause. 

Happy Friday from our crazy family!

photos by AG Pixs and Portraits


  1. Love this...and so descriptive of the family vacation change. This is a wonderful and heartwarming depiction. Great pix of the family.

  2. I love hearing about this. The future of families everywhere. It's so happy and sweet! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :)

  3. You and Uncle Jesse are very, very good sports. Talia and I were in your shoes not long ago. I love that my daughter has an Uncle Jesse (who may even share a feature or two with Stamos himself), and she is, too!
